Stick and Stones …

Sticks and stones my brake my bones but words will make me starve to death.

They say that words cant hurt but the truth is they hurt the most, bruises fade, bones heal, but words last forever, you may say something in the heat of the moment or as a joke and think it wont matter in a couple of days but words last forever, they are always there in the back of your mind haunting you.

Eating disorders are a major hidden killer, and is one of the hardest things that a person has to live with and can be almost impossible to feel like you are able to get help and asking for it is a mission all of its own, but it is out there and one place this can be found is at beat,

The photographs below are of by younger brother, he is naturally slim and we created the look of bones by using lighting techniques, make up, and him ‘sucking it in’.


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